A Fight for the Right to Bare Boobs.
Organization claims women should have right to be bare-chested too In January, U.S.-based GoTopless.org organized a topless protest at Bondi Beach in Sydney, Australia. Up until recently, nudity was illegal except on designated beaches, but local councils considered bare breasts acceptable.
This is the title that was given to the the gotoppless.org on http://www.nbcchicago.com/around-town/events/Bare-in-Mind.html done by MATT BARTOSIK
Can you imagen that, the right to bare boobs aready you have an uneducated reporter
that didn't care to read on what this group or nudist are about.
If this Reporter and even the editor, would have cared about the truth the word would have been top free, NOT BOOBS.
Sex sex sex thats all they care to see The women don't want to flash breast, let alone a slang word for them calling them BOOBS well Matt Bartosik I hope your mothers boobs didn't cause you to any mental issues, or your sisters boobs if you have one, out of all the names, boobs you picked,
sounds to me like you just didn't care about the other person's thoughts
you just wanted to sell your stories about sex, well let me tell you reporter Matt Bartosik you could have picked a better title and made your self to be a real reporter and not a cheap one.
The Nudist Reporter.